+43 (o) 677 6129836o
Studio Quirin Krumbholz
Colloredogasse 30
AT - 1180 Vienna
UID ATU77587336
Bayerische Architektenkammer 187.072
If you are interested in an architectural consultant collaboration, you should have at least 5 years of professional experience in a leading position. You need to be comfortable to work in different client environments, as well as able to manage entire projects and direct teams. Please only send a CV and no motivation letter.
Unfortunately I cannot offer any internships due to the collaborative working structure of the Studio.
If you are interested in an artistic collaboration just call or send a project request.
Legal Disclaimers:
© 2023, If not otherwise indicated all copyrights for the website, images and texts are owned by Studio Quirin Krumbholz | +43 (o) 677 6129836o | Colloredogasse 30 | AT - 1180 Vienna | UID ATU77587336
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+43 (o) 677 6129836o
Studio Quirin Krumbholz
Colloredogasse 30
AT - 1180 Vienna
UID ATU77587336
Bayerische Architektenkammer 187.072
Instagram: studioquirinkrumbholz
If you are interested in an architectural consultant collaboration, you should have at least 5 years of professional experience in a leading position. You need to be comfortable to work in different client environments, as well as able to manage entire projects and direct teams. Please only send a CV and no motivation letter.
If you are interested in an artistic collaboration just call or send a project request.
Unfortunately I cannot offer any internships due to the collaborative working structure of the Studio.
If not otherwise indicated all copyrights are owned by Quirin Krumbholz | website built with laytheme
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